Wednesday, October 29, 2008

31 Things to do before Christmas – True Christmas spirit, Do a good deed

(This is #20 of 31 in the 31 Things to do series)

True Christmas spirit: Doing a good deed

There are so many ways you can give back around Christmas time. There are Angel trees, lots of organizations feeding the homeless and providing Christmas gifts for less fortunate families. But there are many ways you can give back without spending a dime. Don't let a lack of financial means rob you of the joy which only comes from doing something for someone else in need. Some of the best gifts you can give are time, service and attention.

Here are some ways you can give, even when money is tight.

  • If you are going to some local holiday events, how about inviting someone else along? Or taking a child with you who otherwise wouldn't get to go.

  • There are elderly people who can not get around and would love a ride to the store to pick up items for Christmas, or need a little help sprucing up their homes for Christmas.

  • Pass out gifts. In most areas there are charities that pass out gifts to children around Christmas. Usually they need volunteers to sort out donations and distribute gifts.

  • Serve food. Again a lot of charities that cook for needy would appreciate a helping hand in serving meals.

  • Volunteer to wrap gifts for donations to a local charity.

  • Take the kids to visit the elderly in a nursing home and deliver greeting cards or sing Christmas carols. Check with the facility for policies before visiting.

  • If you really want to make someone's day, invite someone who is alone to your house to spend Christmas day. They will be so grateful. Christmas is an awful time to be alone.

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