Holiday Cooking, part 1

In a nutshell, there a couple different approaches you can use to getting your cooking for the big holiday feast done:
Method 1: Spend a day doing prep work like cutting vegetables, cleaning and preparing meats for cooking. And then spend a day or two cooking everything.
Method 2: Cook different dishes on different days. Day 1 can be spent on desserts and meats. Day 2 can be spent on side dishes and finishing touches.
Actually there are a few more…..
Method 3: Let Publix or some other deli or restaurant do your meal for you. But this is not the way to go if you are short on funds.
Method 4: If you are having guests over, share in the cooking duties and have everyone bring a dish.
Method 5: Do a combination of the above. This is my approach. I get a lot of help from others in my meal preparation. It cuts down on the work for one person, while not draining my pocketbook.
Method 2: Cook different dishes on different days. Day 1 can be spent on desserts and meats. Day 2 can be spent on side dishes and finishing touches.
Actually there are a few more…..
Method 3: Let Publix or some other deli or restaurant do your meal for you. But this is not the way to go if you are short on funds.
Method 4: If you are having guests over, share in the cooking duties and have everyone bring a dish.
Method 5: Do a combination of the above. This is my approach. I get a lot of help from others in my meal preparation. It cuts down on the work for one person, while not draining my pocketbook.
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